News Releases

Mike Erickson says Lack of Border Control Hurts Americans: Drugs Pour into Oregon from Unsecure Border
Seizures of fentanyl, a deadly drug, grew over 200% last July. During that month alone, over 2,100 lbs of the drug, which can be fatal in small doses, were confiscated by authorities at the border. Over four million pills have been confiscated at the Arizona border checkpoint to date. Just last week, in Multnomah County, Oregon, deputies seized

Mike Erickson Will Fight for Secure Borders: Lifting Title 42 Risks Health and Safety of Americans
Mike Erickson, candidate for Oregon’s Sixth Congressional District, spoke out today about the crisis at the border and the Biden administration policies. SALEM, OR, USA, May 4, 2022 – Mike Erickson, candidate for Oregon’s Sixth Congressional District, spoke out today about the crisis at the border and the Biden administration policies. This week, the issue

Understanding and Solving Supply Chain Issues
By Mike Erickson, President AFMS Oregonians are finding empty shelves. Consumers are mad that the grocery store is out of their favorite items, and prices have increased on most goods. The warehouse is stressed because the shipping company didn’t make a delivery. These are all problems with our supply chain. Anytime people can’t get the

Erickson Says No to Tolls – KGW Confirms that Salinas Did Vote for Tolling on I-205
KGW confirms that Salinas voted for 2021 HB 3055, a bill that approves a toll between I-5 and I-205. In a statement today, Mike Erickson, Republican candidate for Oregon’s Congressional HD 6, drew another distinction between himself and his Democrat opponent Andrea Salinas. Erickson is against tolling, and Salinas voted for 2021 HB 3055, a bill that

Mike Erickson says Oregon’s on the Wrong Track with the Economy
Liberal policies have caused gas prices to continue to spike in Oregon- Average prices in Portland are up 84 cents per gallon from one month ago Mike Erickson, Republican candidate for Oregon’s 6th Congressional District, spoke out today against liberal policies causing Americans to suffer under inflation and rising fuel costs. Gas prices continue to

Mike Erickson featured on KYKN Newsmakers
Listen to Mike Erickson’s interview with 1430 KYKN’s Newsmakers here. Keep listening for Denise Quinn and Hunter Newton’s call with Bill O’Reilly as he talks about this new book Killing the Legends, The Lethal Danger of Celebrity focusing on John Lennon, Elvis Presley, and Muhamad Ali.

Mike Erickson Featured on Lars Larson
On his Sept. 16 show, Lars Larson, featured Mike Erickson, Republican candidate for Oregon’s Congressional District 6. Listen here. About Lars Larson: Lars holds down FM News 101 KXL from 12 pm – 4 pm PST through Alpha Media’s Radio Northwest Network. His local talk show airs on over 20 stations in the Pacific Northwest, the

Mike Erickson Says Inflation Reduction Act Won’t Reduce Inflation: Supply Chain Expert Says Act Will Inflate Government
The Inflation Reduction Act will do nothing to reduce inflation, but it will grow government,” Mike Erickson, candidate for Oregon’s House District 6, said after President Biden signed the bill on Aug. 16. In a statement to supporters, Erickson details his concerns about the legislation. “The Act is absolutely counter to what people say they

New Poll Shows Mike Erickson Leads Oregon New Congressional District 6
A recent poll shows Tigard small business owner and supply chain expert Mike Erickson ahead in the race for Oregon Congressional District 6. A recent poll shows Tigard small business owner and supply chain expert Mike Erickson ahead in the race for Oregon Congressional District 6. The poll, conducted by Cygnal, reports Erickson has a

Biden’s ‘Inflation Strategies’ Won’t Solve Economic Woes for Americans
Mike Erickson, Republican candidate for Oregon’s new CD 6, spoke out today with concerns about the U.S. economy. Oregonians are faring worse than other states. The Inflation Reduction Act will not solve our problems. Instead, it’s an unfortunate mechanism to push liberal agendas unrelated to reducing the economic burden on Americans.” — Mike Erickson, Republican

Oregon Congressional Candidate Mike Erickson Featured on ABC’s KATU Your Voice, Your Vote
Oregon Congressional Candidate Mike Erickson is Featured on ABC’s KATU Your Voice, Your Vote. He focused on concerns about inflation and supply chain issues. TIGARD, OREGON, UNITED STATES, May 12, 2022. Mike Erickson, a Republican candidate for Oregon’s Sixth Congressional District, was a featured guest on ABC’s KATU Your Voice, Your Vote. The episode aired on